
Pro-LIFE Ministry

On of our passions is fighting in prayer for the unborn. We know that God has called us to stand crying out for those that have no voice.

In 2004, Jonathan joined Lou Engle (TheCall Solemn Assemblies) in Colorado Springs for 50 days of prayer for the 50 states. One of the young people had a prophetic dream seeing thousands of young people behind Lou Engle with LIFE tape over their mouths. After the 50 days, God led us on a journey that ended in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, DC. We stood in front of that court in complete silence crying out for mercy and that God would end abortion and send revival to our nation.

Since that time, God has deeply touched our hearts with the issue of abortion. We join regularly helping lead prayer for the unborn with our family at IHOPKC and Hope City. We also pray regularly in front of abortion clinics and government buildings pleading for the lives of unborn children. We are asking God to end abortion, for the increase of adoptions, and the reformation of government and society through a Spiritual Awakening.

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